1) Ronoroa Zoro is hot!
2) So is Ace!
3) I love how Vivi calls Zoro, 'Mr Bushido'.
4) Zoro's total inability to follow directions.. I don't know if I should laugh or cry?
5) The names of Sanji's attacks never fail to crack me up! Particularly: 'Frit-assorti' and 'Diable Jambe'.. Hahaha! I swear I fall over laughing so hard I cry real tears.
6) I like how much of a sucker Sanji is for the ladies, he's totally hopeless! But his over the top nose bleeds in the Fishman Island arc.... that shit was a little too crazy! Life threatening perviness?
7) I swear Robin used to be more tan? Did living on in a cold climate over the two year separation cause her to turn a shade or two lighter?
8) I hope Hancock and Luffy get together! Hopefully once he's pirate King!
9) I hope Ace has a kid somewhere out there and maybe one day that little girl/ boy will meet with and fall in love with Luffy's kid.
10) Nami can be a little annoying at times.
11) Chopper is so cute. I want one!
12) I wouldn't know which of the devil fruit powers to pick, If I had the choice.. or even If i'd choose to a have one (is it really worth being a hammer for?).. I don't think I really don't think I'd choose the gomu gomu fruit... I like Ace's power and Blackbeard's (that bastard!) too.
13) I hated Garp for a little while.... ;'(
14) If Sabo is alive, why the f*** didn't he help Ace?
15) Why the hell didn't Dragon either?
16) Man, that Shank is so sexy.
16) Brook's little "Yo ho ho ho, yoo ho ho ho hooo" tune, made my eyes water, really did pluck on a few heart strings.
17) Going Merry ghost story was sad and sweet. I really do think inanimate objects/things can acquire a sort of soul/ something like that base don how they are used and cared for. I feel like that about my books.
18) Why didn't Luffy's appearance change much after the time skip? They should've beefed him a up a little more a made him taller. Topless and trousers would've done the job too.
19) Franky is a total hentai, but I like his whole robot act after the time skip.